Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Updates...I am trying.

Status 1A
Jim is now officially listed as a 1A Status on the Transplant List. He will be staying at the hospital until he receives a transplant. The doctor said that he is seeing signs that his heart is continuing to weaken each day. But Jim is one of the top 3 for his blood type in the region. If a heart becomes available he could easily be up for it. Please pray that God's Will be done.
It was a hard day.... His sugar was 281 this morning...docs think it might have to do with his meds because he has been eating good. He has only had one sugar cookie in 12 days. The docs put him on a special diet and he is behaving. His BP was low. His O2 is 42. He is on oxygen. He didn't feel like taking a shower and that says a lot. He walked a little bit. He had a lot of company and that wore him out. He is thankful for all who came but he is SUPER tired.
Thank you Amy Hindman Gallahar for helping me with Bella. I owe you big time.
Thank you all for your continued prayers. Your encouragement means so much. We love you.

Daily Dose
Well, guess what my husband has been up to? No, I am not surprised. He just doesn't know how to stop. Thank you for being that example for me.

Waco church of Christ
Blessing Box and Basket...WOW!

Thank you for all the phone calls and texts. Your concern means so much. I am trying to return calls and texts when I can. Your prayers are working.

Thank you God for one more day!


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