Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Big decisions...Big day.

Yesterday was a hard day. Jim's O2 level decreased to 49 and he had increased shortness of breath. The fatigue is beyond description. I won't go into all the details right now but there are a few scary things on the table that the doctors are considering. Please pray that God will be the doctors as they decide what is best for Jim. We have full confidence in them that they will do their best.

Tomorrow Jim will have a cath to check the pressures in his heart. He can't have a lot of visitors. Only 4 people can be back there at a time. No one can come that is sick...please don't even try. He wants his immediate family there to support him at this time. Please feel free to come by and visit us but don't expect to see him at this time.

I want to thank Sheri Harris for coming by with her children to help me. I couldn't stop crying yesterday. I thank God for them coming by to listen and get me out of the bed. Jim's mom was with him and we are trying to have one of us
in the Munford area in case we need to get the children quickly.

Please pray for Mrs. Murrell. Jim is so concerned about his mom. He loves her and hates to see her worried.

Thank you to Billy Hayes who came by and "brightened" up the room. We love the Hayes family.

Please pray...pray...pray it up for Jim right now....tonight...and tomorrow. Your prayers are working. He is with us today because of your prayers.

God is good and He WILL provide.

Thank you God for one more day.

Check out the new clothes Jim got....ROLL TIDE


  1. Love you all! Prayers still going up!

  2. We have been praying for you and continue to pray for you even more! You are in our constant thoughts... We love you! Anthony, Kitty and the kids <3
