Thursday, February 11, 2010

Meeting A New Transplant Team

Over the past few days things have been stressful. Not knowing what to expect at a new facility, leaving UAB, Jim sleeping more and more, and I have had two flare ups in one week. We went to UMC in Jackson, MS yesterday. We had to get up early (4:45 am) to be able to leave by 5:45 am. Jim’s mother came to be with the children and get them off to school. We talked to Julianna several times about being a good girl and getting up and getting dressed like she needs to. Cameron always follows her lead. Julianna pinky promised that she would be great but of course, things didn’t go good. She immediately got up and cried for her daddy and then she wanted her mommy. After some persuasion over the phone and some Sunkist from Maw Maw, things got a lot better. (Julianna is extremely worried and concerned for her daddy—please pray for her to be able to relax) The children made it to school just fine. We on the other hand, only got turned around one time but made it to UMC only 2 minutes late.

Everyone was so nice from the lady who met us at the door to the doctor himself. It is a much smaller place and everyone is a lot more personable. They took all the regular vital signs and then put us in a room. We met the transplant coordinator/personal nurse of Dr. Moore. She was so nice and took her time asking questions, talking about the medication he is on, talking about his history, and allowing us to ask questions. Then we waited for about 5 minutes and Dr. Moore came in. He was very friendly and very professional. He asked several questions and examined Jim thoroughly. Then he allowed us to ask as many questions as we wanted. We found out a lot of information. We were there for almost 3 hours.

Many people assume that once a doctor says you need a transplant you automatically get on a list. Before you get on the list you have to go through a battery of tests. Everything has to be in good shape for you to be able to be considered for a transplant. Jim will have to get an eye exam, dentist check-up, to another cath and endurance check on a bicycle and everything in between. Some tests we will do at home, others can be done locally at our regular physician’s office, and then we will have 3 days of testing done at UMC. If these tests have good results we will then have the go ahead to get on the list. It takes a while for them to be able to schedule the tests, so Brunette (transplant coordinator/nurse) said the earliest they could schedule us was for the 4th week in March.

Dr. Moore stated that he has done several successful transplants on patients who have transposition of the great vessels. He stated that there are a lot more risks but it can be done. He also stated that Jim needs to try to walk for 5 minutes a day to keep his other muscles working and strong. The greatest danger that he faces is that half of transposition patients die suddenly (Jim has an ICD that can help prevent this) and the other half decline rapidly where they sleep more and more. Fatigue will be the worst thing to endure. Jim’s heart is so weak that it is not getting his blood to the other body parts it needs to, to refresh him. Jim’s fatigue will continue to get worse. Each day he is able to get out of bed and do anything will be counted as a success.

I will be honest to say that I have struggled over the past few days. I have let my doubts and worries consume me. I pray every day to God to let me be free from fear. Help me to be strong, that I may bring glory to God when we are enduring this trial in our lives. I do believe the devil is seeking every opportunity whether big or small to creep into my life and say….You know life is to hard….you can’t handle this….it is not worth trying….be mad at everyone….blame yourself…go hide under the covers….you can’t love God, look at what he is doing to your husband….no one cares! Well, first of all I say get behind me Satan…do you know that we have been through hard times before and we can get through anything with God….I will never stop trying because Christ never gave up… others that what I choose…..There is nothing I have done, I can only continue to be faithful to God and pray for help….I am not going to hide because others have shared their hard times, their struggles and because of them we are better….I will never stop loving God, he wants what is best for me and my family….people do care (have you seen the cards, have you seen the hugs, the tears, the financial gifts)

Thanks to so many that have sent us cards. We now have over 165 cards that are covering our bedroom walls. It is so encouraging to wake up and go to bed with a visual reminder of how many people really do care. Thanks to all those who have given to us financially. It has been such a humbling process. We pray that God Almighty will bless you richly for helping us when we need it the most. We could not survive without our brothers and sisters in Christ. We love you and we are sooooo thankful. Blest be the tie that binds. In all things we praise you God and we give thanks.

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