Friday, July 26, 2013

Red lights and Religion

Ever since I turned 16, I have tried my hardest to be the best driver I can be. I had a rough start, my dad, my brother and even Jim can attest to that. There are certain laws, guidelines and regulations we have to follow if we are to master the art of driving. There are some observations that a good friend of my mine recently reminded me of.
Whether I am in Munford, Alabama or Harrisonburg,Virginia...Memphis,Tennessee or Savannah,Georgia...rules are rules.
1. When I come to a traffic light in Oxford, AL, that is red I will stop. When I travel to Panama City Beach, FL...will I stop if the traffic light is red?
2. When I see an upside down triangle that says YIELD in Birmingham, AL, I will slow down and check for oncoming traffic. When I am in Memphis, TN...will I yield if I see the same road sign?
3. When I am traveling from Talladega, AL to Munford, AL and I see a speed limit sign that says 45....I drive 45 mph. When I am in Piedmont, AL...will I travel 35mph if that is what the speed limit sign says?
By now most of you are saying YES! So what?
Now ask yourself these questions:
1. Do I respect man more than God?
2. When God tells me to stop, will I do it...or will I run right through it and take my chances?
3. When God tells me to yield not to temptation...why will I rush out without heeding His word? Am I that brazen to speed ahead not even checking up?
4. When God sets limits and boundaries for me to keep me from spiritual, emotional, and physical sickness...why do I say it doesn't matter? I won't get caught this time right?
This week my dad came home to the Lord. He has been missing in action for a while now. He struggles to attend the worship services faithfully and to put God first in everything he does. He doesn't have the support that he needs to successfully do that. He has made excuses claiming he was too tired and struggles with His attitude. I can't express my appreciation for his tender heart and his honesty. I expressed to Him that his children are grown but they still need a godly father and his grandchildren need a godly grandfather if they have any hope of making it to heaven.
God knows as well as many of you that I struggle to have the proper attitude at times. I am too tired to concentrate at worship services at times. I try and will keep on trying to examine and work on myself daily. I pray that my dad will receive the support and encouragement he needs. Thank you daddy for loving the Lord.
What do you say? Isn't it HIGH time to give more respect to God than to man? 

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