Sunday, January 31, 2010

Another Lord's Day

We made it through another Lord’s Day. Jim didn’t feel good at all. I let him sleep as long as possible. He got up and was wiped out after getting a shower and getting dressed. He had to rest in the recliner, until we were ready to go out the door.

Jim was able to preach. He did a great job considering all that his body is going through while he is preaching. By the time, he was done his hands were ice cold. I can see how he tries to preach as fast as possible. I think he does this so he can tell what he knows about the text before he forgets (medication has been causing problems like confusion and forgetfulness) and so he can finish. When he is done he tries to sit down as soon as possible.

Everyone said wonderful prayers, gave us lots of hugs and stated that they were making phone calls and contacts to help us.

The children were restless to say it nicely in services today. I gave them a wonderful surprise when we got home. I told them that they could take a nap immediately following lunch. To my surprise they did just that. Jim uploaded his sermon and then he rested until time to return to church.

Tonight he tried to talk about Phil 4:13. He was so tired and didn’t feel good. I think you could see him struggling to get through it all. I am proud of him for his efforts. I am so glad to be married to a man who even in the face of death and feeling terrible says…I will continue to preach and teach. I know that he will do just that. He admires his Uncle Don Murrell who preached and taught even though he was fighting cancer.

I pray that God will give us a good week. One of our members, Stanley Kirk stated that I hope things work out that he will get a heart soon. My reply was “I KNOW THE LORD WILL MAKE A WAY!” I know that He has been there for us in good times and bad (if you know us, you know that we have been through a lot in our short life). We will continue to sing this song and one more that rings in our ears “I’ll never forsake my Lord.”

Thank you for your continued prayers.

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