Friday, April 4, 2014

UAB-Home away from Home

The month of March seemed to hurry by. The boys had birthdays. It was an emotional time to see Jim have another birthday. What a blessing! No complications! No rejection! Our son turned 8. I can't believe that 8 years have come and gone. Tonight as we watched the debate of Kyle Butt, I asked him if he was going to do that one day? He quickly said "Sure mom, I can do that." I pray to God that he will be a man of God and preach the truth.

We were going along quite nicely until we went to Mississippi for a short visit. We got to see old friends and meet some new ones. Jim preached it up Sunday. It was AWESOME. Then the dreaded stomach bug came to visit Jim. It was ruthless. It made him miss his anti-rejection medicine so it was off to the hospital we go.

The whole week of spring break and God Almighty knows how much of a break we needed...we spent at UAB. It was a reminder, of how blessed we have been all these months. To have no rejection, no complications. That would be the last time for a while. God had given us a wonderful time together and like a fool, I quickly took it for granted. I am so naive at times to think that my world will ever be perfect and great. But in a way, it is always perfect and great. I have God in my life, He sits on the throne of my life. He is my ruler, my strength, my fortress. No matter what the world may bring my way, He is my constant anchor. It has been safe and easy sailing for some time now. But the storm clouds have gathered and it is definitely raining.

Jim has shown signs of rejection that the doctors are closely monitoring. They are subtle and sneaky things showing up. After coming home for the weekend, Jim was readmitted to the hospital this week. It was another hard blow. The boat was surely rocking and I could feel my emotions wanting to capsize. I steadily filled my mind with scriptures and listened to CDs of gospel preaching. I turned it up to combat the seeds of doubt that the devil was trying to stir up within me.

The doctors called us just a few minutes ago to let us know for the third time in 2 weeks that Jim's kidney and liver functions are not good. He is still dehydrated and his anti-rejection level is still too high. I thank God that we are at home right now. That we can enjoy ourselves and spend the night watching one of the finest young men, Kyle Butt, defending God Almighty.

I ask for your fervent prayers. You all have been so good throughout the past 7 years to lift not only Jim up but our entire family in your daily prayers. Jim has never preached as good as he does now. I am very reserved when it comes to complimenting him. He has so much strengthen and passion. His conviction to preach and teach only what the Bible says is so powerful to me. He is revived and I pray that he will be able to do it for many more years to come. I know God knows better. I thank Him for all the wonderful time that we have had. I pray for a better attitude and that I may always seek to put Him first in all things. I hope that I can take care of myself, so that I can properly take care of my family. Thank you for the continued prayers, cards and those who financially support us. You are a lighthouse in the midst of a dark and scary storm.

Let the Lower Lights Be Burning

Brightly beams our Father’s mercy,
From His lighthouse evermore,
But to us He gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore. 
Dark the night of sin has settled,
Loud the angry billows roar;
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.
Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.
Let the lower lights be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor *struggling, fainting seaman
You may rescue, you may save.

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