Monday, December 16, 2013

Meeting the Donor Family

It has been about two weeks ago, when we received our first phone call. Sure we have exchanged letters and pictures but actually talking to the family is surreal. The phone call came in when we were at the doctor's office. The number was unfamiliar and Jim almost sent it to voicemail. The doctor was supposed to be coming in the room any minute. Then we saw that is was an Oklahoma number.

We answered it. It was the donor's mother. We talked about the weather for the first five minutes...I guess she was wondering how to talk to the man who has her son's heart. She was so happy and thankful to have received all of our letters and pictures. We have so much in common with them it is rather strange. You can see God's providence in all of it.

Since that phone call we have talked several times. She tells us that she loves us and that she considers us as part of her family. It is an amazing experience to know that she has opened herself up to us and cares for us so much.

We will release more details later. We plan to visit her over the Christmas break. It will be a long road trip but I personally can't wait to hug her. I want to thank her for her decision and her willingness to allow her son to save lives. I know he saved more people than Jim. I have my husband, the love of my life and my children have a father. That is the best is truly amazing! I am so humbled and I know I will cry like a baby. Ok...tearing up.

Please keep her and her family and as well as all of us as we plan to make this trip. God is doing great things with Jim. We pray that we make an impact on their lives and lead them closer to the Lord.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
(Proverbs 3:6)

God help us to be thankful for each moment.

Thank you for one more day!

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