Saturday, November 3, 2012

In Home Health Care

I can’t believe it is already November. Where has this year gone? Jim has been declining ever so slowly but surely each week. He has begun retaining more fluid. He can gain anywhere from a pound a day to 4 lbs. It is mainly showing up in his abdomen and face, but even his tiny bird ankles have started to swell. He has been requiring more rest and has been out of breath more. The nurse, Michelle, has brought a machine that can track his oxygen level, blood pressure, heart rate and weight. This can give the nursing staff early warning signs that something is going on. He has to increase his medication that he receives through his picc line and they have put him on some meds to reduce fluid retention. If you are walking and talking with him, he is liable to get quiet because he can’t catch his breath while he is walking and talking. Even when he moves positions, it takes his breath away. Last Friday, we had to call UAB, because he came so close to blacking out. I saw him staggering and told him to sit down. I call the docs immediately. They thought he might have been dehydrated but he has had an increase in his dizzy spells. Despite all that, he has pressed himself to help a congregation up the road that is without a preacher. The preacher has cancer, and is not doing well. Jim has agreed to help them temporarily. I honestly don’t know how he does it. He is so drained and so weak but he gets up there and he is so beautiful when he is preaching. I have honestly tried to discourage him from doing it. I am scared he will overdo it. I pray that I will let him live his life and continue to do what he loves. What if he doesn’t get a heart, what if it is months from now? I should be ashamed for discouraging him. I am only human. I love him and want him well and with me as long as possible.

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