Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another Transplant Evaluation

Time is starting to go by faster and faster. Each week is passing as quickly as a day. It is so urgent that we daily examine ourselves to see if we are truly doing what God would have us to do or are we carried away by the cares of this world. We have been in the midst of trying to take our 2 bedroom/1bath house to 3 bedrooms. We took our office/dining room and turned it into Julianna’s bedroom. It has taken us a while considering our health and we have been busy going to gospel meetings as well. One thing that has been bothering me is our family Bible time. It seems as though we are fighting a tendency to rush and we have so much on our minds it is hard to focus at times. But do we have problems focusing on Andy Griffith or the local news…not so much. We are striving to do our best with our children. Our health issues make is more challenging. You can feel great one minute and the next you have to go to bed. We are striving to do as Deuteronomy 6 says and teach our children no matter where they are or what we are doing. God help us to do that.

We went on April 26th for another transplant evaluation. They did another stress test and echo. We then saw the doctor. We were there all day. It was exhausting to say the least. The doctor stated that Jim has declined since this time last year. They want to do the reevaluation in 3 months to check him again. We have been noticing more problems so we were prepared to hear the news. He is extremely hard headed and for the most part very upbeat. He will not let how he feels affect what he wants to do. He preaches from time to time. Churches have been contributing money for our medical expenses. With insurance, tests, labs…we spend well over $1500 a month. Jim will be eligible to begin Medicare on May 1. I remember when he got on disability and thinking 2 years is a long time to wait. Thank the Lord he has made it and hopefully it will help out a lot.

Personally, I have been having numerous flare ups. I partly blame the stress of seeing Jim decline and the other part on me being hard headed and still trying to do too much. I don’t know when to stop. I just want to do so much. I love working in the yard, keeping the house straight, helping others, teaching 2 Bible classes…I will have a meltdown one day…but maybe it will be a while yet.

Julianna is about to finish fourth grade. She is so beautiful and I thank God that she does not like boys yet. Maybe that will be a long time away. She has made all As all year. She has been on her best behavior and she was also recognized for raising the most money for the American Heart Association at her school. She is a real go-getter. She is really into listening to music, riding her bike and playing with Max and Jesse, our dogs.

Cameron will graduate from kindergarten on May 22nd. Every child gets to say what they want to be when they grow up. Cameron says that he is going to say “I want to be a hunter and a preacher when I grow up.” He has been enjoying looking at nature magazines, collecting caterpillars (watching them turn into “raccoons”), collecting rocks and following his big sister around.

I am so thankful for each day. I pray that God will help me to continue to grow spiritually as we walk this path. The road is quite difficult and bumpy but I can always see the SON!

Seek ye the LORD while he may be found,

call ye upon him while he is near:

(Isa 55:6)


Special thanks to:

Michael Shepherd for an outstanding gospel meeting, your enthusiasm for the Bible encourages Jim and I so much. May God bless you to keep up the fight.


Brandi Hayes for being an inspiration to me. What a friend and a great example. I adore you.


Cliff and Chris your friendship to my Jim has helped him in more ways than one. You keep him laughing and your love for the truth and your desire to preach the whole counsel of God sustain us. We love you both and your sweet families.


Our Ironaton church family and our brethren throughout the world, thank you for your constant prayers. The Lord is so good to us. One of our richest blessings is our extended church family. Thank you for understanding and for your unwavering love.


John 9:4…We can do it!


I’ll Push On

Out of Breath, chest filled with pain,

Still I see the cross with blood stain.

Weak and dizzy, I can hardly stand,

I hear His words ringing with demand.

Feeble in body but spirit pushes on,

People must be saved, souls won.

Anger filled, down and out,

I can’t scream, I can’t shout.

My Saviour suffered more than me I know,

So on I must go, seed must I sow.

Time will come, when life will end,

Till then I will teach, reach, I will mend.

Dedicated to Jim, for your enduring faithfulness…love Jennifer.
Written on 9/5/2011

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