Friday, September 24, 2010

Shortness of Breath

The past three weeks have been trying to say the least. The weekend of Labor Day, Jim preached at Meridian church of Christ in Meridian, Mississippi for the Sunday morning service. They were having a lectureship on the parables of Jesus. It was so good to be with the brethren there and meet those who have sent cards and pray for us. After services we drove to Alabama to visit our parents. I had been hurting with what I thought was a kidney infection. The pain got worse and I ended up in the ER in Anniston, Alabama early Monday morning (Labor Day). The doctor admitted me and I had surgery on Tuesday. I had a large kidney stone that would not pass. We were able to come home on Wednesday. I was unable to teach my bible class because I was still in pain but got to be in the adult bible class for a change. It took me several days to get over the surgery but I rested and tried to take it easy. I appreciate so much the Murrells being able to take care of the children while I was in the hospital. I deeply appreciate my parents, Scott and Rheta Cobb, being there with me in the hospital. They allowed Jim to have breaks and to take care of himself. He had help and that meant the world to me. He didn’t feel good but because our parents were helping it made things so much easier.

We went door knocking on the 11th for our fall gospel meeting with Brooks Boyd. With a just a few members we knocked over 200 doors. We met many people and handed out dvds, cds and tracts. One lady from the community that we knocked her door obeyed the gospel this past Wednesday night. We had another sister added who has been visiting with us for some time. Brooks and Laura Boyd came in Saturday night and left the following Thursday morning. Brooks did an outstanding job. It was so good to spend time with them both and to be uplifted and challenged each day. Laura is so funny and a true friend. I look forward to having a lasting friendship with both of them for many years.

Jim has been feeling bad and continues to decline. He is so tired all the time. He has been having shortness of breath and his blood pressure continues to increase. After church on Wednesday night, Jim began to get dizzy, have shortness of breath, his blood pressure was higher than normal, and his speech started slurring. I tried to call the doctor’s office, then I called the hospital…then he began to get worse…I hung up and called 911. The EMTs and other personnel came and carried Jim to the ER. Tests were run and blood was taken…scans…EKG…you name it. We went to Jackson on Friday and had more blood work…echos…ICD checked…exams. Jim had a “MINI” stroke. They put him on aspirin and adjusted his medicine. He has slept and slept and slept. He doesn’t remember anything that happened. He has been out of it. I am so thankful to God Almighty that it was a mild stroke and that I still have my Jim. He was unable to preach on Sunday the 19th due to feeling so poorly. Some were amazed that he was at church. He will be at church every single time the church meets even if he has to be rolled in there. He will always put the Lord FIRST. I know for a while now he doesn’t feel like going anywhere but he will not forsake the church. He wants to be there and that means he will be there.

Please remember our children in a special way (Julianna 8 and Cameron 4). Julianna took it extremely hard when Jim had his stroke. It scared her to see him leave in an ambulance. We are so thankful for Linda Cook who rushed to our house and took great care of our children while we were gone. She sang to them and made them feel loved at a very difficult time.

We continue to receive numerous cards, financial gifts and we know that prayers are being lifted up on our behalf. When we went to Jackson it cost us over $2000 to have services provided. This is for UMC only…I don’t know what the ambulance ride or Neshoba ER will cost. Without brethren throughout the world helping us we could not give Jim the help he needs. We are eternally grateful to you for that. We ask for your continued prayers. We ask that through each day we will strive to put God first (Matthew 6:33)…take one day at a time (Matthew 6:34)…seek to build up the church (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Each step I take my Saviour goes before me,
And with His loving hand He leads the way,
And with each breath I whisper "I adore Thee;"
Oh, what joy to walk with Him each day.

At times I feel my faith begin to waver,
When up ahead I see a chasm wide.
It's then I turn and look up to my Saviour,
I am strong when He is by my side.

I trust in God, no matter come what may,
For life eternal in His hand,
He holds the key that opens up the way,
That will lead me to the promised land.

 Each step I take I know that He will guide me;
To higher ground He ever leads me on.
Until some day the last step will be taken.
Each step I take just leads me closer home.

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