Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jim Needs An ICD

Sorry that we haven't called. We have been awaiting some news. We received a phone call last Thursday that he needed an ICD. He keeps going in v-tach which can cause sudden death. They told us that they would schedule that as soon as possible. We received a phone call this afternoon, they said the earliest time they had was June 23rd. This will be at UAB. This will be very risky due to the wires having to go through the narrow places in his heart. The doctors do not want to do this but due to the v-tach they don't have much choice. We are on the cancellation list. If any one cancels they will let us know. He will have at least a 3 to 4 day hospital stay and a 2 week recovery period. This is if they can do everything through the caths. If not they will have to open him up which will bring about additional risks and a longer recovery. He has had 3 really good days this week. He doesn't have much energy so he has been tiring really easy. He wants to go and do but gets exhausted once we try to go somewhere and do something.

As of right now, we will just have to wait. I pray that he will make it to the date and all will go well. I am confident that the surgery will take place when he needs it. God is in charge and I am trying to hurry Him up. I am praying that I will trust Him and His will. Each day I have to let go and let God be in charge. Love you all----Jenn

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