We did it. From the time Jim got moved out of the hospital until this morning, as a family we studied Matthew, Mark, Luke and John verse by verse. It was an amazing study that benefited all of us. Even though I have read those books several times throughout the years, each time I gain something new. God is so wise and the good news is so simple. We make it hard. I don't know exactly how many Bible verses we have memorized as a family (60+). I will have to update you on that when I count them tonight. It's amazing. We see our memory verses every where we go...from other church buildings to Cracker Barrel. Thank you God for your wonderful words of life.
December 31, 2013 - 67 verses that are committed to memory by the family.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Candy Cane Lane
Yesterday, Jim and I were privileged to see a play at the school for the blind in Talladega. It was amazing to see all those children singing their hearts out and quoting every line perfectly. It was emotional. I cried several times because they were so amazing. I looked at all those children and saw how wonderful God truly is. I remembered all the times that I have read the scriptures and Jesus would heal the deaf and blind. Jesus would touch them when he didn't have to. He showed compassion on them and acknowledged them. The play was complicated and busy...something that most "regular" school children couldn't pull off if they wanted to.
We have gotten to know one of the students pretty well. She attends services with us at Ironaton. She is a beautiful young lady that is so precious and kind. She loves to make new friends and is always so happy. She had complications at birth and because of that her eye sight was damaged. The doctors say that it shouldn't get any worse or better for that matter.
Please be thankful for each moment and each day. Be thankful for your healthy children. Be thankful for your disabled or handicap children. God sees them all as a blessing. It is up to us to open our eyes and hearts to see like God would have us to.
Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Thank you God for one more day!
Please pray for Emma Mitchell at this time. She is battling cancer. She has been fighting hard for a long time. With God all things are possible. Emma, we hope you get a special Christmas gift this year. Munford loves you, sweetheart.
Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Thank you God for one more day!
Please pray for Emma Mitchell at this time. She is battling cancer. She has been fighting hard for a long time. With God all things are possible. Emma, we hope you get a special Christmas gift this year. Munford loves you, sweetheart.

Monday, December 16, 2013
Meeting the Donor Family
It has been about two weeks ago, when we received our first phone call. Sure we have exchanged letters and pictures but actually talking to the family is surreal. The phone call came in when we were at the doctor's office. The number was unfamiliar and Jim almost sent it to voicemail. The doctor was supposed to be coming in the room any minute. Then we saw that is was an Oklahoma number.
We answered it. It was the donor's mother. We talked about the weather for the first five minutes...I guess she was wondering how to talk to the man who has her son's heart. She was so happy and thankful to have received all of our letters and pictures. We have so much in common with them it is rather strange. You can see God's providence in all of it.
Since that phone call we have talked several times. She tells us that she loves us and that she considers us as part of her family. It is an amazing experience to know that she has opened herself up to us and cares for us so much.
We will release more details later. We plan to visit her over the Christmas break. It will be a long road trip but I personally can't wait to hug her. I want to thank her for her decision and her willingness to allow her son to save lives. I know he saved more people than Jim. I have my husband, the love of my life and my children have a father. That is the best gift...it is truly amazing! I am so humbled and I know I will cry like a baby. Ok...tearing up.
Please keep her and her family and as well as all of us as we plan to make this trip. God is doing great things with Jim. We pray that we make an impact on their lives and lead them closer to the Lord.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
(Proverbs 3:6)
God help us to be thankful for each moment.
Thank you for one more day!
We answered it. It was the donor's mother. We talked about the weather for the first five minutes...I guess she was wondering how to talk to the man who has her son's heart. She was so happy and thankful to have received all of our letters and pictures. We have so much in common with them it is rather strange. You can see God's providence in all of it.
Since that phone call we have talked several times. She tells us that she loves us and that she considers us as part of her family. It is an amazing experience to know that she has opened herself up to us and cares for us so much.
We will release more details later. We plan to visit her over the Christmas break. It will be a long road trip but I personally can't wait to hug her. I want to thank her for her decision and her willingness to allow her son to save lives. I know he saved more people than Jim. I have my husband, the love of my life and my children have a father. That is the best gift...it is truly amazing! I am so humbled and I know I will cry like a baby. Ok...tearing up.
Please keep her and her family and as well as all of us as we plan to make this trip. God is doing great things with Jim. We pray that we make an impact on their lives and lead them closer to the Lord.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
(Proverbs 3:6)
God help us to be thankful for each moment.
Thank you for one more day!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Sixth Month Anniversary
Can't believe it's been 6 month since Jim was given a second chance at life. It has been busy and crazy, fun and trying. We feel blessed beyond measure. Great is our God.
Biopsy showed ZERO rejection. Six months of perfect results. We serve an awesome God! Thank You!
Please keep the prayers coming. We love and appreciate all of those who have held us up during our various trials. TGBTG!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Time Changed
It seemed like the clock rolled back and so did our life. Our son has been battling the flu for almost a week. Jim has had a battery of tests at UAB.
Cameron never complains so when he says he doesn't feel good, he really doesn't. He slowly bounced back and was able to return to school on Thursday.
Jim has had 4 little spells where he didn't know what he was doing. He gets glassed over eyes and doesn't make any sense if he is talking. The doctors concluded that he is having silent seizures. He is not shaking or convulsing, he is just out of it.
Though we might be shaken we will not crumble. God helps us to be more than conquerors. Romans 8:37
Thursday, October 24, 2013
In Two Places
This past Thursday was Jim's day to have a biopsy. Twenty two weeks have passed since he received his new heart. It is still hard to grasp. We think of and pray for the donor family daily.
It was time for a field trip with our son. It just happened to be on the same day. I was torn but asked Jim's mother to take him to UAB.
I got on the bus headed to the Falls in Gadsden and received updates throughout the day. I am so thankful for the technology that we have to help us stay in touch.
We had a fun time at the Falls. It was really cold but we didn't mind because we were on an adventure.
Jim received great news. NO rejection! The doctors are so amazed at his progress. We know that all the glory and honor goes to God. Rev. 4:11
Thanks to everyone who continues to pray for us daily. 1 Thess. 5:17 We know that it strengthens us. Thanks to everyone who continues to support us financially. The medicines, gas money, co-payments are constant. 51+ pills a day is quite expensive. We couldn't survive without your constant love and support.
Let us remember to ask in faith not doubting what God can do...for He can do ALL things. James 1:6 Mark 10:27
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Special Girl
My Julianna has been asking me for days to bake homemade biscuits with her. She learned how to by spending time with Sheri Harris and Kitty Hackney. Well I did it. What a wonderful way to spend a chilly afternoon. She insisted that we give half of them away. So we made a basket and will deliver it tonight at church.
Col. 3:23 is our favorite verse for each other. I know God has great plans for her. I hope that everyone will open their hearts and see the kindness that children have to offer.
After the cooking we had a music session. Julianna is so talented. I am amazed.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Circuit Preacher
We took a trip up to Scottsboro, AL. What a beautiful place. We enjoyed good Christian fellowship with all the saints at Larkinsville church of Christ. Jim did a wonderful job teaching about how to conquer the dark times in our lives. We had a fantastic meal after services. The brethren were friendly and filled us up spiritually and physically, We stopped at Section, AL on the way home to enjoy God's beautiful creation.
We then had the pleasure of visiting the Fairview Road congregation. Billy Hayes lead singing and it felt like old times again. So thankful for those times we all had together to grow at Ragland church of Christ. The Hirsh Family then fed us before we headed home. What an amazing family. They are so eager to serve The Lord and His church.
We were glad to get home safely. Our dogs were overjoyed.
This Thursday we go to UAB for Jim's next biopsy. Please keep us in your prayers. Little Cameron has been sick for days and needs your prayers as well. I have been having more problems with my health. Some of it is due to the weather changing and some of it is stress related. Hoping to get a check up soon.
God is a loving God. Let us examine our lives daily to see if we love Him. John 15:19
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Little Update
I love the fall. The cooler temperatures and the leaves changing colors. I love football season and having to grab a jacket in the mornings and evenings.
Today I got to walk through the woods with my children. We saw magnificent spider webs and beautiful mountains. God has truly blessed us with a beautiful place to live.
The best time of the day is Bible Time. Where the whole family gathers to read the Bible together. We sing and pray. Jesus Loves Me is a must. Cameron says beautiful prayers and Julianna is learning to sing out.
We are truly blessed each day. Each moment is a gift. Do I always act like it? NO! I try and try. I strive to do better everyday.
Jim has had his new heart for 20 weeks. He is doing really good. His taste buds are acting better and he has his meds done pat...all 51+ a day. He hasn't had any major problems. He retains fluid every now and again. He is still teaching Bible class. He hasn't missed a Sunday teaching since we got home from the hospital. If he isn't teaching, he is preaching. So many want to see him and hear him preach with his new heart. We have even had little old ladies say "Can I touch you? I have never meet anyone with a heart transplant."
I love our church family. We have the BEST family in the world. You support and encourage us so much. Thanks to everyone at Iron Town. Your continued prayers and love mean so much.
I am getting ready for something BIG! Hoping and praying God will MAKE a way. I will let you know when I have made the final plans.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
I am Revived!
Tonight was the last night of the gospel meeting at Oxford church of Christ. Michael Shepherd did an outstanding job. Jesus is coming again. "We are built for eternity, my friend, not for today." Let us all work on ourselves and helping others reach the beautiful place called heaven. I long to be with you Lord!
Friday, September 27, 2013
AWESOME...That is all I can say
This past week has been extremely busy. Jim went out of town early Saturday morning to preach a gospel meeting in Valdosta, Georgia. The Mount Pleasant church of Christ has a new preacher and eager members. Jim was highly impressed with all the workers and how well they attended the meeting. He came home several pounds heavier, so he definitely was taken care of. I want to thank David Bowers for driving him down there and back. He could not have preached without your willingness to be a servant. You helped him to reserve his strength and gave his company as well.
Jim celebrated 18 weeks with his new heart. His appetite has come back and his strength is coming back. Thank you, thank you for all the prayers. James 5:16
I had the children all by myself. If it were not for Brandi Hayes I would have been extremely late to work. Thank you Brandi for being my hero.
The children were good after I didn't spare the rod several times. You can't run over this mama. I mean what I say. I got a cold/sinus stuff Saturday and I am still working on getting rid of it. My classes are going good. I feel like I am really connecting with several of my students.
Yesterday, we were able to attend the adoption of Elijah Embry Stacy. We have been good friends with Jeff and Meghan Stacy for years. Our friendship has only grown closer and sweeter with time. They are some of the best people in the world. They truly love the Lord and are willing to forgo relationships to stand on the Lord's side. They love the church and will be firm when others get weak. They are so in love with each other and their son. They are two of the most thankful people you will ever meet. Jim and I treasure their friendship and respect them for their steadfast love of the Lord.
If you know me, I was trying not to cry the whole time. Then I lost it. I am so humbled by being there and I pray that Elijah will always realize how much he is truly loved. To read more about their struggles from infertility to living in an ongoing renovated home visit http://thestacychronicles.wordpress.com/
God help me to be thankful and work 'til Jesus comes. You are so good to us. Help us to be good to You. Lamentations 3:25
Jim celebrated 18 weeks with his new heart. His appetite has come back and his strength is coming back. Thank you, thank you for all the prayers. James 5:16
I had the children all by myself. If it were not for Brandi Hayes I would have been extremely late to work. Thank you Brandi for being my hero.
The children were good after I didn't spare the rod several times. You can't run over this mama. I mean what I say. I got a cold/sinus stuff Saturday and I am still working on getting rid of it. My classes are going good. I feel like I am really connecting with several of my students.
Yesterday, we were able to attend the adoption of Elijah Embry Stacy. We have been good friends with Jeff and Meghan Stacy for years. Our friendship has only grown closer and sweeter with time. They are some of the best people in the world. They truly love the Lord and are willing to forgo relationships to stand on the Lord's side. They love the church and will be firm when others get weak. They are so in love with each other and their son. They are two of the most thankful people you will ever meet. Jim and I treasure their friendship and respect them for their steadfast love of the Lord.
If you know me, I was trying not to cry the whole time. Then I lost it. I am so humbled by being there and I pray that Elijah will always realize how much he is truly loved. To read more about their struggles from infertility to living in an ongoing renovated home visit http://thestacychronicles.wordpress.com/
God help me to be thankful and work 'til Jesus comes. You are so good to us. Help us to be good to You. Lamentations 3:25
Friday, September 20, 2013
I have got to keep telling myself this. Have you got into the routine of complaining or thinking you have it harder than anyone else in the ENTIRE WORLD. WAKE UP! We all have our own battles. We all have our faults and we are knee deep in our messes and mistakes.
My troubles are mine. Please don't tell me I have it so rough because you may be going through something that I could NEVER handle.
So let us take off our whiny pants and put on some happy ones. Let us be thankful.
I dread cleaning my house and I caught myself complaining about it this morning. Then I said out loud "Are you serious? I do have a house. I have people in it to help it to get dirty. I have clothes to put on. I have dirty dishes which means we did have food. I AM BLESSED!"
Please God help ME not to complain. 2 Timothy 3:2
My troubles are mine. Please don't tell me I have it so rough because you may be going through something that I could NEVER handle.
So let us take off our whiny pants and put on some happy ones. Let us be thankful.
I dread cleaning my house and I caught myself complaining about it this morning. Then I said out loud "Are you serious? I do have a house. I have people in it to help it to get dirty. I have clothes to put on. I have dirty dishes which means we did have food. I AM BLESSED!"
Please God help ME not to complain. 2 Timothy 3:2
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thinking of Tate Williams & Allie Brewer
Not too long ago, I attended a memorial service for a young preacher, Tate Williams. I know I met him in passing at one time or another but I didn't really know KNOW him. He was one that loved the Lord, the church and his family. At the age of 18 he knew more Bible than most elderly members of the church. He had a passion...a drive that makes me ponder him on a daily basis. How can I raise my children to know and love the Lord like he did. How can I be like him?
Tate changed my life. He changed the way I am as a Christian, a wife and a mother. His favorite verse plays over and over in my head.
Today I walked through the local cemetery. I visited my grandmother's grave and my great grandparents graves. I also visited Allie's grave. I saw people who lived over the age of 100 and like Allie those who didn't see a year.
So many ask why? I thought about that as I walked around and then it came to me when I knelt down to rub the grass off of Allie's marker. Each day is a gift. Each day we can either realize how blessed we are or focus on what we don't have. Tate and Allie in their short lives touched so many. Allie had an infectious smile. She was brave and gentle. I got to hold her on one occasion and I was deeply honored. She was an angel among us.
Doesn't life all boil down to GRATITUDE? God has blessed us with everything. He has blessed us with today. He has blessed us with this moment.
As time passes, we will continue to be tested and put to the fire. For me, I think of Tate and little Allie and I am thankful for right here and right now. I know I will see them both very soon.
John 9:4 I must WORK the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when NO man can work.
T - taking A - action T - today for E - eternity Thank you to the Brewer and Williams families.
Tate changed my life. He changed the way I am as a Christian, a wife and a mother. His favorite verse plays over and over in my head.
Today I walked through the local cemetery. I visited my grandmother's grave and my great grandparents graves. I also visited Allie's grave. I saw people who lived over the age of 100 and like Allie those who didn't see a year.
So many ask why? I thought about that as I walked around and then it came to me when I knelt down to rub the grass off of Allie's marker. Each day is a gift. Each day we can either realize how blessed we are or focus on what we don't have. Tate and Allie in their short lives touched so many. Allie had an infectious smile. She was brave and gentle. I got to hold her on one occasion and I was deeply honored. She was an angel among us.
Doesn't life all boil down to GRATITUDE? God has blessed us with everything. He has blessed us with today. He has blessed us with this moment.
As time passes, we will continue to be tested and put to the fire. For me, I think of Tate and little Allie and I am thankful for right here and right now. I know I will see them both very soon.
John 9:4 I must WORK the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when NO man can work.
T - taking A - action T - today for E - eternity Thank you to the Brewer and Williams families.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
When your family leaves you...?
(34) Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
(35) For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
(36) And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
(37) He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
(38) And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
(39) He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
(40) He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.
(9) Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
100 DAYS
Happy 100 days Jim! What a way to celebrate! Grilled chicken, baked beans, homemade French fries and ALABAMA FOOTBALL. ROLL TIDE ROLL! Keep on fighting like a champ Jim. We are so proud of you. Special thanks to Linda Leoni, Jeff Allen (Head Football Trainer), T.J. Yeldon, A.J. McCarron, Coach Saban ,the Burnetts and the Murrells for making this week so awesome. God is good all the time and in every place. TGBTG!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Beach Vacation
We would like to thank all those who helped to make this trip possible. So many of our fellow brothers and sisters donated to us to give us this special time together. Celebrating 12 weeks with Jim's new heart and NO REJECTION! TGBTG!
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