Last week was a really
hard week. Jim felt really bad all week. He slept a lot more. He slept nearly
all day Tuesday and Wednesday. He has a cough that he cannot get rid of. He
coughs so hard at times that he will turn grey and lose his breath. I had a
flare up on Tuesday. It took me a couple of days to feel like myself again. We
called Jim’s doctors and they adjusted his medicine. Then I called back when he
didn’t get any better. That was on a Friday and they called me back on a
Tuesday. Then they didn’t even act like they were supposed to call me back when
they told me they would. Frustrating…but I am trying to be long-suffering.
Jim did great on Sunday.
He got fired up…it’s an inside story. It was good to see him deliver a sermon
so good. He really put everything he had in it. I wish he could preach like
that all the time but I know that he doesn’t have much strength at all..
This week started off
better. His fatigue continues to increase. He will try to do a little and then
he has to rest. He takes a lot of naps and has to sit or lean on something
almost all the time now. I finished my next to last week at school. I am so
excited about this semester coming to an end. I love my students but we all
need a break. Then when everything seems to be going good our freezer died, the
car battery died, Glynn Cook who cuts our grass broke his lawnmower in our yard
and then I hit the basketball goal when I was taking the children to school.
Most of this happened in a matter of a few hours. You just have to be thankful
that it didn’t hang around long.
We know that many have
been asking questions about our financial situation and the insurance dilemma.
We got the final word Wednesday afternoon that we will lose Jim’s insurance in
June and he will not be able to get on Medicare until April/May 2012. In order
for him to be put on the transplant list we would have to raise a little over
$700,000 and then be able to prove that we could pay for the medications until
Medicare kicked in (about $3000 a month). We have been against so many walls
that we know things will work out some way. Brethren continue to be generous
and donate funds to help us.
We have resolved
ourselves to the fact that a transplant may not ever be in our future. We have
decided to make the best of the time we have left. We will travel this summer
to see family and friends if he is able. I want to do everything I can to help
him enjoy his life. I don’t want to hold him back. It is hard for me because I
don’t want him to push himself. If I were in his shoes, I would probably
say…Fill up the gas tank…let’s see some new places like Alaska, Hawaii....etc. Jim plans to preach in Kentucky, Tennessee,
Alabama and Florida this summer. I pray that he will be able to do that. The
only thing he looks forward to and receives pleasure from is preaching the
truth. He continues to be a diligent student of the Bible and longs to help
himself and others understand the Word more perfectly. I admire him for not
giving up. His body says stop but his spirit continues on.
Jim continues to get
cards, phone calls and emails. These encourage both of us so much. We are truly
thankful. You have been so faithful to pray for us. May God bless you all that
diligently serve Him. May your efforts return to you in a multitude of
Genesis 22--------God
Will Provide!