Well, it has been a week since our last doctor's visit and we are just now updating everyone. We were extremely tired being in Birmingham all day and on the road. We have been getting Julianna ready for the second grade.
The advanced heart failure group stated that they were going to try and adjust his medicine because he has been having some bad side effects from the meds. The medicine that he is on is the best for his heart and they do not want to take him off of it. He has no energy most of the time and struggles to sleep at night. He falls asleep fast but it is hard for him to stay asleep. He has become more absent minded. He doesn't know what he is saying some times in mid conversation. He has increased in his grey spells and has become more irritable at times. I know the irritability is due to not feeling as good as he wants to. The doctor told him to get on disability but he can't as long as he is preaching. At times he struggles to preach but is doing the best he can to support his family. The ICD doctor stated that he was doing okay. He could not tell us that Jim was doing good or bad. Jim is just maintaining. The ICD is helping his heart do its job 23% of the time. This means that 23% of the time his heart is not functioning the way that it should. It could be a lot worse but it could be a lot better. You don't want the ICD to have to do too much because the battery will wear out sooner.
We all have good days and bad. At times I cry and at times I am able to laugh. I know he has good days and other days could be better. It fluctuates so that you don't really know what to expect from one day to another. I have gotten some really good books to read in addition to the Bible. These encourage me and give me more scripture to take hold of. I have also started working out at the local gym. I try to go 3 times a week. With each flare up I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I have actually gained 3 lbs. this week. I feel stronger than I have in a long time. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Julianna broke down the other day because she noticed how her dad has changed. I know she gets frustrated and she doesn't understand. I just cried with her and told her we have to be thankful for the time that we have had. Every day we try to make it the best we can. We love you all and thank you for what you do. Please continue to pray. ----Jenn